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Oakley caters to four distinct snow sport demographics, with All Mountain and Freestyle standing out as two of the most dynamic. These groups consist of experienced riders who are familiar with the mountain and thrive on pushing boundaries, performing daring tricks, and taking calculated risks.


Inspired by the street style stemming from the prominent surf and skate culture in Oakley’s Southern California home, these designs are unique and contemporary.


Street style involves bold colors and strong graphic elements that allow people to express their individuality, qualities that are important to All Mountain and Freestyle demographics.

The  All Mountain design is inspired by street style graphic tees. The Carve design is angular and sharp. Named after the repetitive back and forth carving method skier/ snowboarders use to make their way down a mountain run.

The Carve helmet, has a matte black background that features the asymmetrical arrow pattern applied as a gloss varnish finish. Creating a changing pattern effect as the wearer moves down the run, while still allowing the bold colors of the goggles to stand out.

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The Freestyle demographic seeks to stand out on the slopes with unique tricks and accessories. The Stomp design features layered prints in bold colors, with the name referring to landing the perfect trick. This pattern is also applied around the frames and on the helmet in a gloss varnish finish. 

The micro bag created for both goggles features a scaled up version of the Stomp pattern on one side with the  directional, color-blocked arrows from the Carve design on the other; perfectly merging two bold patterns into a unique outcome in the same way street style is developed.



These designs, tailored to the All Mountain and Freestyle snow sport demographics, were presented to the Oakley design team at their headquarters in Foothill Ranch. Following careful review and deliberation, they were selected as the innovative design winners in their respective categories.

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